Laser Cuting_ Chair

Xiomara Armijo, Saiqa Iqbal

_ In this assignment we dealt with a given section having a dimension of 500 mm X 500 mm X 350 mm to have a ribbed chair by using the Laser Cutter. the process of modifying the plain simple section into a waffled one is given below:


1._ first create a base file having separated layer for each of the major commands (base, contour, ribs, intersection, fabrication) along with their sublayers for x and y axes.

2._ select the outer surface of the given section. then apply the cage edit command (bounding box on). the number of control points can be manipulated by changing the x, y, z point count.

3._ move the control points to get the desired shape. keep the two outer layers of control points

in fixed position to maintain the given section in the 2 ends_ select the contour x layer. and command

Contour in x direction.

_ specify the distance between contouring according to the material distance and the grid resolution.

_ select the contour y layer and command Contour in y direction in the same process.

­­­_offset the curve lines of the contours inside. the sections can be manipulated with the control points.

_ select the rib layer and use the command Planar Surface for the each contour curves with their offset curves to get the ribs.

_ maintain the two layers Rib x and Rib y for the ribs in x and y direction.   

_ select another layer for intersect, command Intersect by selecting the ribs x and ribs y.



_ select another layer for drawing a pipe in on of the intersection line. the pipe diameter should be the thickness of the material.

_turn of all the offset options except the Mid and the Center.

_ move the end of pipe ( name it Pipe x) to middle of the intersection line. then make a copy of the pipe (Pipe y) to theother end of the pipe.

copy the two pipes together to the mid point of each intersection lines.

_ by selecting the ribs one by one runthe command Intersect between that rib with its corresponding pipes.

_ split the joints from the ribs by the command Split.

_ selecting the ribs one by one run the command Unroll Surface by selecting the

‘Rib X Unroll’ and ‘Rib Y Unroll’.

_ move the unrolled ribs away from the origin.

_ select the objects of Rib X Unroll and  Rib Y Unroll layer and run the command

Duplicate borders.

_ move the selected curves away from the rib surfaces.

_ name the pieces by numbers.

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