rhino cam documentation for foam model – barrio 1_17_18

At first the mashine type has to be set to 3 axis milling; for the post processor we choose “precix” and finally the stock can be set or by typing th estock measures manually or by picking a modelled stock volume as a reference;

The milling process and its setup happens in two runs, for each setup a polyline needs to be selected  ( yellow line in first image) to determine the outline of the 3d model.

1.) Horizontal roughing – horizontal roughing is for fast and efficient removal of material as a preparation for th emore refined second milling step.

A thicker ball pointed milling tool with 26 mm of diameter was used in this case.

The step over control panel and the stepdown control were set in accordance with the tools with and length  and the desired precision of the milling.

2.) Parallel finishing – this is the final milling porcess in which the resolution of th emodel is being refined after the horizontal roughing has been done.

The tool we used was a 3mm thin ball point.

The stepover parameter was set in accordance with thefinishing tools diameter; in order not to damage the stock we set a clearance value of the stocks hight + 6 mm.

Finally we could export the .gc file including the g code ( coordinates and sequence ) for the movement of the milling mashine.

X17.103 Y-29.437
X17.665 Y-29.407
X17.05 Y-29.404
X17.043 Y-29.378
X17.873 Y-29.348
X17.026 Y-29.319



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  1. By Fabrication of the 1:2000 bcn model on December 14, 2010 at 12:00 am

    [...] FabricationDigital ToolsInteractive InterfacesOpen Thesis BlogTheory ConceptsNetwork Last News rhino cam documentation for foam model – barrio 1_17_18ecotec analysisCNC Fabrication | BCN Foam ModelCNC Fabrication | 1:2000_BCN Foam Model ECOTECT [...]

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