Author Archives: hristokovachev

Scripting the Future by Neil Leach and Phillip F.Yuan – Critical essay by Hristo Kovachev

From panel to parametric. The leap between generations.It seems to be just the beginning. ; “Like the experimental theories that opened up so many potential lines of research from the Macy Conference, which are so pervasive and embedded in our society today, the premise raised here is to connect the aspect of the computational processes of [...]

Posted in Hristo Kovachev, Workshop Neil Leach | Comments closed

Chaotic thoughts and objective imagination – Nicholas Negroponte, Toward a Theory of Architecture Machines, 1969 A common point between all the texts that was not discussed on our weekly debate was the fact that all of the Authors (by Authors i do not necessary refer to the text Authors, but in some cases to the people on whose work those texts are based on) where innovators of their filed [...]

Posted in Digital Logics - Critical Readings, Hristo Kovachev | Comments closed