Category Archives: Irina Shaklova

Parametric Transformation

Image credit: Diana Quintero de Saul, Parametric studies for a responsive surface, source

D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson  ”On the Theory of Transformations” (“On Growth and Form” , 1917)

D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson was among the first to cross the frontier between mathematics and the biological world and as such became the first true biomathematician. His main work is the book “On Growth and Form” (published in 1917, expanded version  published in 1942). Read More »
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Bernhard Rudofsky – ‘The Conditioned Outdoor Room’


the source of the picture


Throughout history, humans have attempted many times to control climate but is it really controllable? After analyzing the reading, clearly the central themes are climate control, the human relationship to outdoor spaces, and how the importance of a garden inside of a dwelling has changed throughout history. The relationship between these main ideas are the central argument of this essay and how all of them are connected to climate.

To understand the present one must understand the past. History has shown us that humans adapt to the place that they live or grew up in and most importantly to the air that they breathe. An interesting example from reading is the journey of the English settlers to North America. As said in the reading they were not the most advanced house builders and knew very little of more advanced building technology therefore the transition from England to New England was a hard one. Their attempt to manipulate the climate of North America was successful in the sense that they were able to control the indoor spaces but unsuccessful with showing no importance to exterior aspects to a dwelling. This building tradition has been used for generations and most surprisingly is still being used today. Houses today manipulate the temperature of the interior space to keep out the external climate conditions, but is this really how it should be? Read More »

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