Category Archives: Efstathia Eleni Baseta

Rhizomatic thoughts

Blobwall_Greg Lynn

“Greg Lynn, Blobwall”, taken from web “<> accessed on 22/11/2013″

“Greg Lynn, Blobwall”, taken from web “<> accessed on 22/11/2013″

A thousant Plateaus, Plateau 1; Rhizome, Gilles Deleuze – Felix Guattari, 1987

In this plateau, “Rhizome”, Deleuze and Guattari discuss about different ways of thinking and conception of knowledge in philosophical terms. The authors oppose two fundamental systems of thought; the arborescent and the rhizomatic.

Vertical hierarchies, binary logics, linear connections and biunivocal relations are formed from antiquity and all disciplines (biology, literature, politics, phycology etc.) have been based on these. Nonetheless, world has changed radically through the past decades and what we use to take for granted should be questioned. How can we continue thinking like our ancestors when connections in our society have become non-linear, multiple and complex?

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Subjective Atmospheres

Kas Oosterhuis_trans-ports muscle

What is the role of an architect and how architecture has been transformed nowadays, where human beings live between different environments? Virtual reality changed radically the perception of both space and time. According to Manuel Castells we live in the space of flows. Architecture becomes more complex and relations appear to be crucial. Mark Wigley, in his text, discusses the controversial relation between creating architecture and atmosphere. 

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