Category Archives: Sahil Sharma

Parametricism: A Style or A set of digital tools ?


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Over the years Parametric design has taken a big leap from being just a set of digital animation techniques to advanced parametric design systems and scripting techniques.But this tool has helped close period of uncertainty that had been prolonging over the years, and had a series of short lived movements such as Postmodernism, Deconstructivism, and Minimalism.
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Sou Fujimoto – The primitive Caves

The reading by Sou Fujimoto- The primitive caves talks about the natural process of evolution of architecture, with two elements from the nature that have played a big role in the evolution of architecture.

He starts by distinguishing Caves and Nest to be two elements from nature which have a total opposite ideology to each other, where caves are the fluid spaces where the planning and spaces come out according to the need and the use of the space changes over time. whereas on the other hand a space like a nest which is very rigid in its planning and has a very definitive form and shape.
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