Category Archives: Karl Francalanza



Rhizome Radar by Peter Nowicki

It is hard to identify what is the central theme of the Duleuze’s and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, but perhaps suggesting centrality is probably the opposite of the message the book advocates. The book is a distinctive model both in it’s ‘non-structured’ writing methodology but also in its call for a different way of thinking and being, in which the concept of rhizome is introduced. The writing allows for interpretation and connections with many subjects or thoughts, and one can easily relate it with architecture especially emerging theories such as parametricism. Many comparisons have been theorised between Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome model and other emergent like cyberspace and computer networks which started occuring most noticably after the later 1980s. A Thousand Plateaus is an example of such open systems. It advocates an intellectual message in which the only rule would be the avoidance of the rule. The only rules it employs are those required in order to construct a wide array of concepts such as rhizomatic, non- linearity, nomadism, mutiplicity and anarchism. Clear definitions are are highlighted with capital letter, “RHIZOMATICS = SCHIZOANALYSIS = STRATOANALYSIS = PRAGMATICS = MICROPOLITICS”

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Architects of Control

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Atmosphere is an ambiguous word subject to many interpretations within the realm of architecture. From a scientific perspective, atmosphere starts where construction stops, wrapping around or within a building, independent from the building itself. One could argue that control on such atmosphere is impossible to attain.  On the other hand, one could debate that architecture does produce an atmosphere with its physical form, details and use of materials, through an array of intangible generated effects such as light, sound, smell and heat. When walking around or into a building, one is experiencing it’s atmosphere not the object as such. Within his text named “Architecture of Atmosphere”, Wigley debates the notions raised above, highlighting differences between architects who put atmosphere as the centre of their thinking, whilst others who marginalise it. Finally, I question if architects should be obsessed with such control over atmosphere.

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