Twisted Sister


The concept for this tower arose from the vertical aggregation of identical pyramidal components at decreasing scales. The component itself was developed through the distortion of simple geometries to find opportunities for self-replication without the use of additional components. The slight distortion of the resulting pyramidal form creates multi-planar vertices that can be utilized for vertical expansion. A simple stacking method generated a tall tower and presented an intriguing combination of height and density.

In an attempt to uncover further potential within the component, we re-examined the geometry and derived an alternative ‘sister’ method for stacking the pyramids which increased the suspension between the components to achieve greater height while using precise notching on the triangles to create connections of greater strength against laterally applied forces. The resulting product is a combination of digital processing and precision hand modeling, and has a playful twisting profile due to the duality of systematically generated connections and empirically derived custom connections.

process2   process1    process8

process4   process5   process6



Joshua Ranjit Pio John   //   Miguel Angel Juarez Diazbarriga   //   Robert Douglas McKaye


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