Inspired by the vast and infinite Channel Country, in Australia’s Outback, there is a strong reminiscence to the inevitable erosion from a constant yet patient force.
Author Archives: Ian (Harry) Mann
Channel Country
Posted in Giacomo Fiorani, Ian Harold Mann, Ismail Gokhan Catikkas, Uncategorized Tagged #Gaudi would have loved this, #inspiredbynature, 3D milling, advanced tiles, Channel country, CNC Milling Comments closed
Malleable Planes
GroupTEN approached brief of the 3D printing excersize with a vision to create a kinetic, 3-Dimensional form, exploiting all of the properties of the given materials. This was no doubt the approach taken by all other groups. So what made us different?
Posted in Daniel Ricardo Giraldo Rivera, Ian Harold Mann, Meral Ece Tankal Tagged Advanced Architecture, Dynamic, Plastic Plastic Plastic, Surface, thinking in 3D Comments closed
G16 Match Stick Tower
Group 16 has constructed a tower through a process of experimental design & highly adaptive problem solving.
Posted in Archana Kadaba Ramesh, Ian Harold Mann, Sahil Sharma Tagged Advanced Architecture, Archana Kadaba Ramesh, Leaning Tower of IAAC, plywood, Sahil Sharma, tower, When in Rome Comments closed