Category Archives: Chung Kai Hsieh



The thought was to overcome the limitations of the milling machine and the concrete hence present a tile that would appear to be visually soft and contrast to both the nature of the material and the machine.

To achieve our goal we focused on two main aspects the first being the use of shadows to make the material more vivid and the second designing to maintain the values which we are able to mill using the machine.

Hence the idea of forming a regular pattern was ruled out and the approach was to simulate the nature of the woolen fiber.  Read More »

Also posted in Apostolos Marios Mouzakopoulos, Mamta Srinivas | Tagged , , | Comments closed

Shell Structure Testing


The aim of our notion is to create the state which the model is able to be opened and closed. Have a look at our joints, they are the simplest shape fomed likes circle which there are several holes on it. By these, the rods could be formed into the spiral column, the advantage of the form, it could be changed the form into defferent states by rotating the joint. Firstly, move the joint along the colume shape we created and then push it towards the two seperated joints we fixed on the ground. In this state, the structure will display with fan-shaped. Secondly, having rotating the joint, the middile area will be opened likes the shell movement.



Also posted in Efstathia Eleni Baseta, Richard Aoun | Tagged , , | Comments closed


HIH page

 Hand In Hand, Tower

“The process began with a Spiral as our inspiration. We wanted to explore the potential of the material to its maximum threshold; hence the Spiral was the best fit for our endeavor.


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Also posted in Juhi Pravin Patel, Raphael Teixeira Libonati  | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments closed