In this tiled surface design, the pathways channeling water tangentially branch off 3 (repeated) closed loops. Each of these 3 geometric loops are radially-symmetrical about a combinatory corner of the original hexagonal tile. The three loops have 3 different scales of visual prominence. In the least prominent of the 3, the loop becomes secondary to the web of tangent paths surrounding it.
Category Archives: Joshua Ranjit Pio John
Also posted in Mary Katherine Heinrich, Trinidad de los Angeles Gomez Machuca Tagged M. K. T. Heinrich Comments closed
In the design process we aimed to experiment with different types of assembly. Each rode finishes with a sphere which arrives to a central assembly point.
Also posted in Agnieszka Wanda Janusz, Hristo Kovachev Tagged central assembly, digital fabrication, lotus flower, pipe structure, Rods, wheel hoints Comments closed