Relational Masterplan

Studio: Emergent Territories.

Project: Neigbourhood Renovation, Mumbai.

Scripting goal: Find the optimal heights for footprints in order to accomodate XX number of people given by density studies. Ideal solution to link Excel sheet to Rhinoscript, in order to have a changing landscape according to numeric inputs representing people, height limitations, available area and floor space index ratio.

The script is based on a previous work of Roland Snooks, and adapted to it are some options and inputs relating to the urban scale.

Different possibilities are tested to find optimal solution.

Even though the land use and mass/void ratio for the siteplan is already set up, the numeric chart allows infinite variations for the spatial arrangement of the neighbourhood, having a target density but allowing different possibilities on height and percentage of used area. This table can be adapted to different urban planning projects, since the density and urban constrains are also parameters to be changed by the user.

From different massing studies and partial scripts (couldn´t manage to relate Excel and Rhinoscript…), the masterplan gains height according to land use and desired number of levels per building, according to previous density studies.

During the same proposal, Grasshopper was also used as a tool to locate specific heights in the overall masterplan, using simple extrusions and varying the numerical input for the heights.

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