
[I] is not fixed or subject position . I is the idea of rhizome to understand I is to first
comprehend what rhizome is response to. I sprouts from single seed, producing trunk and
branching out growing in innumerable various permutations and combinations and yet can be
traced from a single origin. I is the reference represents and reflects the world like
absorbent even linguistic as all grows from single origin source. I represent multiplicity
and elimination of linearity of language, one binary over the other. I is revolving and
transforming. I is the internet ultimate symbol of rhizome.


Rhizome has no center it continuous to grow without beginning or the end. The main principles
of rhizome are connections, heterogeneity, multiplicity,asignifying rupture, cartography
and decalcomania. Internet language is like rhizome ceaselessly establishes connections
between art, science, social struggles even these language has multiplicities.
multiplicities is neither subject nor object [just relations] and the power of rhizome is
to continuously adapt to other multiplicities. Rhizome has the parallel evolution with the
world. Rhizome is composed of plateaus. Plateaus may be read in any order, emphasizing the
rhizomatic nature of knowledge present infinite number of possibilities.


Relations to rhizome has number of possibilities. The one possibilities to explore is to relate
with the architecture.I think architecture acts as a rhizome . Its like a straight line with
infinite number of points connecting the past present and the future. As it is said
architecture is the mother of all arts it also reflects on other factors like economical,
political, linguistic, etc. My research topic is defining these innumerable possibilities and
redefining the architecture for good living.



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