Author Archives: adityakadabi


[I] is not fixed or subject position . I is the idea of rhizome to understand I is to first comprehend what rhizome is response to. I sprouts from single seed, producing trunk and branching out growing in innumerable various permutations and combinations and yet can be traced from a single origin. I is the [...]

Posted in Aditya Kadabi, Digital Logics - Critical Readings | Comments closed

@mosphere in Architecture

  Atmosphere to me a personal phenomenon.its a personal definition, a perspective,an affection , a feel ,a interpretation of a transition may be because of the space , an activity , a strong connection between static element ie the space and kinetic element ie the people. Atmosphere defines the space between building and its context [...]

Posted in Aditya Kadabi, Relational Logic - Critical Readings | Comments closed