Author Archives: alejandrogarcia

Nicholas Negroponte – Toward a theory of architecture machines

  In this text Negroponte talks to us about the idea of making an architectural machines, not only machines that can solve specific problems with step by step instructions where the result is unquestionably attributed to the designers creativity, but a machine that is cable of learning how to learn. This machine should be able [...]

Posted in Alejandro Garcia Garcia, Digital Logics - Critical Readings | Comments closed

Philippe Rahm – Form and function follow climate

Philippe Rahm stars the text by compering sustainable development policies with the transformation of design by digital technologies, he mentions that the difference between the two is their visual impact, this is because sustainable development may not affect the physical structure or appearance of a building because it affects things that we don’t see like [...]

Posted in Alejandro Garcia Garcia, Relational Logic - Critical Readings | Comments closed