Author Archives: Chirana

Swarm Intelligence: Architecture of Multi-agent Systems, Neil Leach & Roland Snooks, 2010

Swarm Intelligence based ( Swarm logic is indeed one of the new approaches in emerging to describe a form or a system in many aspect. The idea of swarm intelligence basically is a “population” of local interactions to the environment in a greater amount that create a global system.

Posted in Chirana Lemuel Sumendap, Workshop Neil Leach | Comments closed

Emergence, chapter 2 : “Streets level” by Steven Johnson

Steven Johnson tries to analyze how to define emergence in some different scales. He tries to give example from the behavior of ants and its colonies, until the smallest scale of cells and DNA, and come back to bigger scale as city and its neighborhoods. Giving comparisons and similarities of how ants system works and [...]

Posted in Chirana Lemuel Sumendap, Digital Logics - Critical Readings | Comments closed

“Tarzans” in the “Media Forest”

    Picture source: From the first chapter of the book Toyo Ito tried to make a conclusion of how architecture can be learnt from nature – in this case from a tree.  How the tree gives more lessons or principles  to us as architect to designing or creating architecture in life nowadays, which [...]

Posted in Chirana Lemuel Sumendap, Relational Logic - Critical Readings | Comments closed