Author Archives: giacomofiorani


  Introducing us the concept of rhizome, Deleuze uses a rhizome himself, not just a whatever book which would have innate a linear and sequential structure, that pinpoints and solves a problem, but an hypertext, with no conclusion in it, hard to understand as to define it, hard to extrapolate a unique sense because is [...]

Posted in Digital Logics - Critical Readings, Giacomo Fiorani | Comments closed

The Infinite of Atmosphere

    Maybe an infinity of things, in the world, are really infinite, but those ones we can count and be sure they are, are probably just few. The Atmosphere, I believe, is one of these; then there are numbers, with linear and directional disposition; the colors and their infinite undertones are maybe the visible [...]

Posted in Giacomo Fiorani, Relational Logic - Critical Readings | Comments closed