Author Archives: kijacnovak

Smart swarm

A critical analysis of the book Swarm Intelligence – Neil Leach As we all know about many examples of swarm logic in nature, they all do, without thinking, always use the most simple way of constructing – because it imposes itself as the most logical one. Because insects like bees don’t rethink their decisions, they [...]

Posted in Novak Kijac, Uncategorized | Comments closed

ANTS EYE VIEW- Local interaction creating global intelligence

The text from the book EMERGE from STEVEN JOHNSON makes me thinking about one simple question: what is an organism and what are its parts, and whether they can be viewed and studied in the same way as the organism itself? In biology an organism is any contiguous living system (such as animal, fungus, micro-organism, [...]

Posted in Digital Logics - Critical Readings, Novak Kijac | Comments closed

Toyo Ito- Tarzan in the media forest- Text Analyses

In this writings Toyo Ito explains the way that he feels about the many aspects of everyday life, contemporary architectural culture, which is dominated by an endless consumption and production of images, graphics and information. He also expresses his thoughts trough a metaphor, comparing architecture to a tree.

Posted in Novak Kijac, Relational Logic - Critical Readings | Comments closed