Being inspired by the perpetual geometry of fractals in which similar shapes recur at progressively bigger scales, we created a flower-like pattern based on our Grasshopper definition. Read More
Category Archives: Sahil Sharma
The Spiroball
The basic concept behind the whole design was to have dynamism in a vertical design by using one single element, and the possibility of this element to either move in the vertical axis so as to either merge the vertical rods inwards or expand them outwards or rotate the element in horizontal axis creating a spire effect in the vertical rods. Read More
Also posted in Atessa Zandi, Giombattista Areddia Tagged 3d printing, Advanced Architecture, digital fabrication, Dynamic, spiraling structure, twisting Comments closed
G16 Match Stick Tower
Group 16 has constructed a tower through a process of experimental design & highly adaptive problem solving.
Also posted in Archana Kadaba Ramesh, Ian Harold Mann Tagged Advanced Architecture, Archana Kadaba Ramesh, Leaning Tower of IAAC, plywood, Sahil Sharma, tower, When in Rome Comments closed