Differentiation and complexity of our society brings a constant demand for development of new techniques and tools, which will enable for visualization of harmonious interaction between the physical form and it’s inhabitants. Parametricism is a new way of perception, developed as a style that consists of shared data of correlations between regional elements and their [...]
Monthly Archives: November 2013
“Branching Morphogenesis” is at Ars Electronica, a museum of digital and media arts, in Linz, Austria ‘… the form of an object is a ‘diagram of forces’… D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson
Deconstructive Rhizome
DELEUZE & GUATTARI’S A THOUSAND PLATEAUS (1980-1987) “RHIZOME” Where there is an end, there is a beginning. This phrase was flashing in my mind the whole time I was reading the writing. What is achieved is nothing rather that the understanding of how things are. The way the writers wrote it has never been [...]
Parametric Transformation
Image credit: Diana Quintero de Saul, Parametric studies for a responsive surface, source http://www.dianaqsaul.net/2011/09/25/parametric-studies-for-a-responsive-surface-system/ D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson ”On the Theory of Transformations” (“On Growth and Form” , 1917) D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson was among the first to cross the frontier between mathematics and the biological world and as such became the first true biomathematician. His main work [...]
[Parametricism] a Style – an Interdisciplinary Approach to Design
Parametricism – A New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design // Patrik Schumacher, London 2008 In a time where we witness a general obsession with advanced digital tools and techniques, form, as a concept, gains even more complexity and ambiguity than ever. From a parametric point of view, form results from a form-finding process, [...]