Abstract: The analysis of the critical readings will serve to guarantee the contents exposed in the previous session, focused in exposing the digital logics of advanced architecture.

Six texts will inquire some of the driving theoretical forces in relation to informational concepts in architecture:

T1- Thompson, D’Arcy. “On growth and Form” (1917), Chapter XVII: On the Theory of Transformations, pp.1026-1095.

T2- De Landa, Manuel . “Deleuze and the genesis of form”, Extracted from: , pp. 1-6.

T3 - Deleuze, Gilles. “A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Squizofrenia”. Chapter: Rhizome, pp. 1-23.

T4 - Johnson, Steven. “Emergence: the connected lives of ants, brains, cities and software”, pp. 1-15.

T5 - Negroponte, Nicholas. “Toward a Theory of Architecture Machines” Journal of Architectural Education (1947-1974), Vol. 23, No. 2 (Mar., 1969), pp. 9-12.

T6 - Schumacher, Patrik. “Parametricism as Style, Parametricist Manifesto”, London 2008. Architecture and Digital Design Systems, London Met MA 2008, pp. 1-13.

Methodology: The analysis of the texts will be organized according to the methodology of the puzzle (or mosaic). This consists of active and cooperative learning, in four steps:

1) To read individually, and before to the session, one of the texts assigned by the professor;

2) In the classroom, in groups of experts, people who have read the same text, will compare the three main principal, and will solve the doubts arisen after the reading;

3) Also in groups of six students, in base groups, but this time by those who have read different articles, every member will explain to the others his/her comprehension and opinion of the text he/she have read;

4) Finally, every group will expose to the rest of participants, the content and their reflections on one of the texts, opening a debate between all in a public review.

Assignment: Summarize.

Every student will deliver individually a summary in writing to the professor (via IaaC-Blog). Students must explain the relationship between the text under study, with the topics exposed in the final debate, adding an image related to the post. Include a possible topic for personal research suggested in the reading of the text, explained in approximately ten lines.

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