In the chapter we read from the book “On Growth and Form”, D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson analyzes the study of the form of nature primarily with descriptive methods and later in an analytical way, mathematically described and represented by mathematical formulas and coordinate systems. The analysis of the forms by mathematical description are [...]
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Digital Techtonics – Material Complexity By Manuel DeLanda – Critical Review
Seeing the world through a philosophical point of view, concepts such as toughness or rigidity are emergent properties of metalic materials that result from the complex dynamic behaviour of its components. Also dynamics of population of dislocations are closely related to the population dynamics of every entity, despite the big difference in nature and [...]
Do I get to count as “Nature?”
In Alison Smithson’s piece on the habitats of Saint Jerome, she posits that their cultural depictions indicate something substantive about human habitation proclivities. For her, depictions of Jerome’s life can be organized into the following categories and successive indicators:
Digital Tectonics
Critical essay by Rodion Eremeev The world always generate new directions in Art and Architecture. It always implies new techniks and fabrication ways. During the 20th Century it were a lot of different variety of styles - functionalism, constructivism, brutalism, metabolism, etc. Nowadays is a time of a digital ways of design in Architecture. Neil Leach book ”Digital [...]
Digital Tectonics
Image credit: Book by Neil Leach, David Turnbull and Chris Williams Critical essay by Trinidad Gomez. ‘For how can the digital be tectonic? And how -for that matter- can the tectonics be digital?’ Neil Leach In this book, Neil Leach explains the behaviour between digital and tectonics, and how nowadays we can see this popular [...]