Author Archives: admin

Post-it Cloud

Today in the Advanced Architecture Theory Course, with Manuel Gausa, Mathilde Marengo and Jordi Vivaldi, we investigated what exactly is Advanced Architecture. The idea was to generate a comprehensive map of what the MAA 2013-2014 students consider Advanced Architecture, asking them to write 2 words that for them define this concept, on 2 different post-its. We [...]

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Assignment: Critical Readings Summary – Relational Logics

Every student will have to deliver individually a summary in writing to the professor (via IaaC-Blog posted under Critical Readings-Relational Logics category), from the text that he/she has had to read,  in a maximum of one page, the relationship with his/her text and the topics exposed in the final debate. Add an image to explain it. In [...]

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MANUEL GAUSA (1983 – ETSAB), PHD (2005 – ETSAB), by the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (European Mention). Principal Partner and Co-Director of Gausa+Raveau actarquitectura, office of architecture, landscape and urban design. From 1991 to 2000 Director of themagazine “Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme”. Since 1994 Founding Member of Actar Architecture and Actar Projects Editorials. Honoured with the Médaille de l’Académie d’Architecture de France in 2000. Since 2006 Professor of Design Projects in the Faculty ofArchitecture, Università degli Studi of Genoa. Director of the ADD (Scuola de Dottorato in Architettura e Design - Università degli Studi - PHD Program) of Genoa. From 2006 to 2008, Director of the Master [...]

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Course Syllabus

IC.3 SEMINAR - THEORY CONCEPTS 01 - ADVANCED ARCHITECTURE CONCEPTS 2 ECTS credits TUTORS: Manuel Gausa, Maite Bravo, Ricardo Devesa. This seminar examines a series of seminal essays on architecture by key thinkers on the twentieth century, that will provide the bases to develop a relevant body of critical thought currently developing outside the prevalent mainstream architectural discourse. The series starts reviewing a general overview of architectural culture at the beginning of the twentieth first century, considering the vast advancements in specialized knowledge, the impact of the information society and the pressing environmental concerns, which are deeply questioning the very basis of architectural practice. It examines how some key architectural practitioners are [...]

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