Deleuze and the genesis of the form by Manuel de Landa.

This author talks about the beginnings of the form with a particular scientific and artistic vision at the same time. The lecture is base of that Deleuze believes that the form is not spontaneous and the process is the most important on the existent of the form.
In this text he start talking about his disagreement with the philosophers of the western which the theories of the form are like the example of the religious Creationism, where they said that everything begin with a god’s mind, and is then imposed by a command on an obedient and docile matter.
Deleuze gives an example with bubbles, he said that this thing has an endogenous topological form where a topological point starting with the behavior of the molecules from the energy creating a perfect sphere. In the other hand with the same factor it could occur a perfect cube with the same process and evolution.
Other topic that he mentioned was the real and the virtual where if we talk about humans the DNA is the virtual, because it has a lot of potentialities for creating something, and the real in this case are the human as the final result.
Also is very important the way that the author presents the thermodynamic by the example of the two containers with different temperatures of air. He is mention that the physics and thermodynamics cannot help with philosophy of matters because that branch of physics became obsessed with the final equilibrium forms.
Homogenous and heterogeneous are very important concepts in Deleuze work. The ecosystem are compose of many different homogenous spaces like animals and plants where all of them are connected with a specific function that make a perfect system.

Personal research

Is interesting how Deleuze try to explain that with the same process we can have different approaches. It would be very interesting if we try to understand the “virtual” line and factors that the architectures tend to follow, and in the end and start to analyze the “real” of the final form of every topologic on architecture.
If we talk about modernism, how are the virtual for get the result of the project like a modern house, and then compare with contemporary house and make a visualization between the different real or results that we can have just because of the different factors that we have thanks time.

By: Trinidad Gomez.

Posted in Digital Logics - Critical Readings, Trinidad de los Angeles Gomez Machuca | Comments closed

Unlearning & Learning


                                        quote:,  25th of  Nov. 2013



Machine, the most creative device in the beginning 20-century. It is supposed being asked to do anything, which the mission ordered, by human, or rather saying that it just is able to do, not thinks firstly and do afterwards.

However, if we take the consideration between the human being with computer and labor with machine, we found out that it is the same state. On the other hand, for instance, architecture students or architects use the software to replace the conventional way for the time-consuming work. However, in the unconscious way, we are going to lose our own mind as well as being controlled by the pre-set comment of the software. What is more, we start to design the building, which the software is able to, not we are asking what we can do. If we look back to the previous architects, they always thought the design for the future (for the furthermore machine have not invented).  We shall not put ourselves into the limited box, sometimes forget about the computer, software or technology, it might have more interesting things are going to be happened.


constellation_06_groups, 25th 0f Nov. 2013



For these generations, there are more and more machines which we can use in the 3-dimension way, just like the normal printer, sending file and printing it. It does helps a lot, we don’t need to spend lots of times on making several models to be tested to make sure whether it is working properly or not. Furthermore, we even can see the visible renders in the monitors as well as simulating the natural ways in the new materials which we are going to invent and used in the building façade. Probably, some people might argue that it could not to image or imitate the ecosystem with software, but it cant not to be ignored that the climate has been changing dramatically. We are not able to predict some situation with conventional way.

Last but not least, the ability of machine can do the things which human being is not able to achieve in terms of power, persistence and accuracy. Just in case you can use it in the proper way, not to be used or controlled because of the limitation of machine. Quote from the book, “ unlearning is as important a learning”,  on the other hand, it should be considered in the human thought way .



by Toward a Theory of Architecture Machines, Nicholas Negroponte, 2010



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Rhizome Radar by Peter Nowicki

It is hard to identify what is the central theme of the Duleuze’s and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, but perhaps suggesting centrality is probably the opposite of the message the book advocates. The book is a distinctive model both in it’s ‘non-structured’ writing methodology but also in its call for a different way of thinking and being, in which the concept of rhizome is introduced. The writing allows for interpretation and connections with many subjects or thoughts, and one can easily relate it with architecture especially emerging theories such as parametricism. Many comparisons have been theorised between Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome model and other emergent like cyberspace and computer networks which started occuring most noticably after the later 1980s. A Thousand Plateaus is an example of such open systems. It advocates an intellectual message in which the only rule would be the avoidance of the rule. The only rules it employs are those required in order to construct a wide array of concepts such as rhizomatic, non- linearity, nomadism, mutiplicity and anarchism. Clear definitions are are highlighted with capital letter, “RHIZOMATICS = SCHIZOANALYSIS = STRATOANALYSIS = PRAGMATICS = MICROPOLITICS”

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Posted in Digital Logics - Critical Readings, Karl Francalanza | Comments closed

Redefining the Origin




The essay “Deleuze and the genesis of form” is written by Manuel DeLanda. Based on the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze.

Deleuze contradicts the western philosophy and its take on genesis of form. In the western philosophy, form is conceived by the external forces rather than the internal forces and the properties of the material. The virtue of the material and the self-generation of form are not taken into account. Read More »

Posted in Digital Logics - Critical Readings, Juhi Pravin Patel | Comments closed

Symbiosis of Architecture and Machine


In the book, The Architecture Machines written in 1969, Nicholas Negroponte proves to be a visionary propagating the school of machinic thought and digitisation in architecture.

The author begins the chapter questioning the credential of division of creative labour when machine is introduced  not only to perform programmed function but also to find solutions in a given circumstance.

The aim is to develop an intelligent device.

A self improvising Evolutionary machine, a highly advanced mutated specie of current generation, that is capable of assimilating the architecture and its learning process. The union of designer and machine is so closely knit that the contribution of each becomes undistinguishable. The aim is to work as equals, thus rendering unique attributes of each towards a common goal.

An intelligent Learning machine that bears the characteristic of

a. A heuristic mechanism, an experience based solution,

b. Rote apparatus, a repetition based memorisation technique,

c. A conditioning device, a habitual method of problem solving,

d. A reward selector, to deduce rational conclusion,

e. A forgetting convenience, a capability of unlearning the obsolete processes in order to adapt to new ones.

The architecture machine is a unit in the whole network connected to each other and the designer through a parent machine. The parent machine is a warehouse of information and functions as a data store.

The analytical Seeing machine, which bears reflection of a designer and is able to assess the problem physically through its sensory organs, analyses its abstract parameters before translating the information into deliverables.

The dialogue between man and machine is very profound in the current scenario but the extent of interaction as envisioned by Negroponte is still remote. When a machine will reach this extent of intelligence as conceived by Negroponte, it shall be a revolution in human achievements.

Other authors have also investigated the machine and architecture under diverse perspectives. Negroponte’s line of thought differs vastly from Schumaker, who elaborates Parametriscism as a new style based on emulating nature or Deluze and De Landa, who extract the essence of their theory of origin and structural growth of the form from analytical and mathematical derivative. Similarly Johnson and Thompson too present their outlook oh emergence and growth of a system as a whole. These are deep seated philosophy that bears different analogy to each individual, and enlivens the design process when implemented. When Negroponte emphasises on machine as designer, he omits the purpose of architecture is not only to generate effective solutions but also to create atmospheres.

The research topic would be oriented towards the Symbiosis of buildings, exchanging the vitals for balanced sustainability, similar to nature, where the being is not contained to itself but gives the productive excess to the surrounding  and vice versa.  A building is not a unit but a part of a network where it imbibes and shares its energy thus increasing the efficiency of the chain as a whole.

Posted in Digital Logics - Critical Readings, Shweta Das | Comments closed