Deleuze and the Genesis of Form


On this essay Manuel DeLanda is trying to investigate and interpret the work of Gilles Deleuze on the genesis of form. In general the essay is about the generation of form. in particular, Deleuze differentiates form into two categories. the first is the “strata” and the “self-consistent aggregates”. Strata is the concept of the tree. Trees are synthesis of homogeneous elements and provide a form that is predictable and can be explained through mathematics. The self-consistent aggregates are heterogeneous and dynamic mechanisms based on the rhizomes that provide a form which is not predictable in anyway and form dynamic connections to become a collection of mechanisms.


Deleuze’s philosophical thinking is greatly based on mathematics and on physics to understand and to decompose the virtual form as well as a tool to help to the actualisation of the virtual. In this text, DeLanda is also writing about how form emerges from organisational structures of biological, molecular as well as socioeconomic environments. these organisations can provide a form wich can be described in diagrams.

To conclude, I think that Deleuze’s tools (mathematics and physics) are in a way the tools to disassembly what happens in nature, but the concept based on the rhizome and the emergence of form and organisational structures are far more interesting to investigate.

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