In his paper ‘’Toward a Theory of Architecture Machines’’, Negroponte discuss the use of machines in relation to architecture and survey beyond to encounter all possibilities the machine can offer.Negroponte started by questioning the credential of division of creative labor when machine is introduced it was not only found to perform a given [...]
Monthly Archives: November 2013
Human and Machines
Deleuze and the Genesis of Form
On this essay Manuel DeLanda is trying to investigate and interpret the work of Gilles Deleuze on the genesis of form. In general the essay is about the generation of form. in particular, Deleuze differentiates form into two categories. the first is the “strata” and the “self-consistent aggregates”. Strata is the concept of the [...]
Chaotic thoughts and objective imagination – Nicholas Negroponte, Toward a Theory of Architecture Machines, 1969 A common point between all the texts that was not discussed on our weekly debate was the fact that all of the Authors (by Authors i do not necessary refer to the text Authors, but in some cases to the people on whose work those texts are based on) where innovators of their filed [...]
Are we there yet?
author’s image D’Arcy Wenthworth Thompson, On Growth And Form, 1917 “The finest work of literature in all the annals of science that have been recorded in the English tongue” as described by the novelist Peter Medawar, is really just all preface from beginning to the end- a preface to allometry. The “On Growth and Form” [...]
Deluze I GENESIS OF FORM – Manuel de Landa
Manuel in the text analyzes the Evolution of form , taking the philosophy of Deluze as a base .Deluze explains that the evolution of form and structure involves resources that is beyond the potential ability of material basis of forms and structure. The resources for the formation may be transcendental which is imposed on infertile [...]