Parametricism a synergy to Futurism? or Architecture?

T-6 Parametricism

Patrik Schumacher


” Each space is in fact a communication. It invites its visitors to participate and gives them clues on how should they behave, what to do. But people are no longer satisfied with simple ordering of space with rigid forms and strict compartmentalization. They need to communicate with each other and move swiftly. This is why rooms should not be separated but rather interconnected. Spaces should be constructed in such a way that everyone can easily see, find and communicate with everyone else.”-Schumacher Read More »

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Rhizome – An Image Of Thought.


Book: A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Author: Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Chapter: I- Rhizome


“Any point of a rhizome can be connected to anything other, and must be;” and, ”A rhizome ceaselessly establishes connections between semiotic chains, organizations of power, and circumstances relative to the arts, science, and social struggles.”


The rhizome is one of two forms of organization. It’s easier to start with its antithesis, the ‘arborescent’ form.Something that’s ‘arborescent’ has an ordering, a hierarchy, a defined structure. The word comes from a tree, and that’s the primary image: all of the branches start from the trunk and spread outward. They also use a book example: a book’s binding is like the trunk of a tree, and the pages are branches.A rhizomatic structure is different: it’s a twisty, non-linear, network, rather than a unified structure. It may have many beginnings and endings, twisty little passages.It  is a labyrinth or  structure of passageways and is marked by some properties that distinguish from the occidental history of  labyrinth.It has no beginning nor end  and is without Ariadne thread – A Labyrinth  without center and periphery  .


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Deleuze and the genesis of form

The essay written by Manuel DeLanda in discusses the genesis of form, according to the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Matter, for Deleuze, has spontaneous behavior (inertia) and the resources involved in the genesis of form are immanent to matter itself. Examples of form genesis in nature help to understand that the two factors governing the creation of the differentiated instantiations are mathematics and thermodynamics. Difference in “intensity” provides the energy flow from which form emerges. The two basic types of structures, for Deleuze, are the “strata” and the “self-consistent aggregates”, or the “tree” and the “rhizomes”. Both result in isomorphic actual forms, but the one has to do with the synthesis of homogenous elements while the other explains the consolidation of heterogeneous elements. These principles that organize socio-technics, biological and molecular structures can be distilled into diagrams that can be used to govern virtual meshworks and other genesis.

All texts of the assignment deal, in a way, with the creation of form. Deleuze’s philosophical study on rhizomes explains their form structure principles. Their creation and evolution seems random, but follows certain notable rules. Thomson investigates shapes and their alternations. Forms found in nature can be analyzed on grid systems and their variations can be categorized and reproduced by specific mathematical transformations. Johnson examines ant colonies and their strategy of creation. Each ant has a particular role in the formation of an overall complex structure. Negroponte searches for the ideal architectural design tool. Almost prophetically, he envisions a Machine that will work with the architect and will calculate anything he himself is not able to. Finally, Schumaker talks about parametrics as an architectural style. How pure mathematic calculations can lead to the creation of complex forms and why this technology has such impact on contemporary architecture.

Form creation in nature can be seen emerging in many different, yet specific morphological patterns. These patterns vary, transform, coexist and evolve, and are found in all life forms. From simple to understand structures, like the nautilus shell, to complex ones, like a tree, patters are ubiquitous. As digital logics deal with parametrics, these patters could be studied, reproduced, simplified and explained with the help of digital tools. This analysis could be an interesting field of study that would explain why certain patterns best suit specific functions and climates. This can inspire us on their application in architecture, so that a choice of a pattern that will govern the architectural design of a building can be a matter, not only of aesthetics, but also of its function and position.

Paul sharits Study for Frozen Film Frame of Frame Study 15, 1975Paul Sharits – Study for Frozen Film Frame of Frame Study 15, 1975 (source:

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Retro Futurism


Rebecca Allen visuals for Kraftwerk concert at MoMA // 2012. Rebecca Allen is the current creative director for Nicholas Negroponte’s projects.  image courtesy of MoMA (source)

assigned reading: ‘Toward a Theory of Architecture Machines’  by Nicholas Negroponte , 1969.

Today, the widespread use of computer-aided design has created a paradigm shift in the way architecture is conceived, represented and fabricated. The expressive and constructive potential of the digital has been -and still is- thoroughly studied by theorists and architects who’s position towards the digital is one of admiration or skepticism or both. It is obvious that machines have enabled designers to overcome the traditional constraints of thought and set the grounds for a higher level of formal and programmatic complexity with numerous aesthetic, functional and performative implications. But even with these advantages, architecture still remains in the hands of the architects who carry the professional expertise to successfully translate the user’s needs and desires into design. This disciplinary enclosure is further accentuated by the growing sophistication of digital architecture. Often it deploys an unfamiliar vocabulary, emphasises the role of the “expert” and makes the process of architectural design increasingly inaccessible to the user.

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Roma (5)


Introducing us the concept of rhizome, Deleuze uses a rhizome himself, not just a whatever book which would have innate a linear and sequential structure, that pinpoints and solves a problem, but an hypertext, with no conclusion in it, hard to understand as to define it, hard to extrapolate a unique sense because is the reader who has to look for it, every single reader putting himself, as just one of the infinite connections to which it is open, inside the text.

The operation which drives Deleuze to rhizome is the most philosophical action in philosophy; inspecting the philosophic experience, based on the thinking process, and on the effective difficulty of thinking, he studies and scrutinizes the thinking itself, tracing a map of it, forming a geophilosophy, the rhizome indeed.

Thus, to understand its sense, I guess is necessary to do a step farer from the rhizomatic thinking system and give a look on what is at the rhizome’s antipodes. Opposed to the rhizome, deeply criticized by the author, and deeply embedded in the western thinking from Platone to nowadays, is the tree-roots system which legitimates itself by redirecting on a unique element, firmly submerged on the depths of a categorical system. The latter one is totally hierarchical, that from its own roots and their dichotomist  propagating develops a logical-theoretical system, instead the rhizome is a network, which can develop itself in a scattered order, not by noted points and with off-center configurations, in which every element can be related to any other one, the tree is vertical, the rhizome is horizontal, the first one is diachronic, the other one is synchronic, the tree is an ordered succession and fundamentally dual, 1,2,4,8, in other words the multiple starting from a unity; the rhizome is multiplicity expressed n-1  where the 1 is the centralizing unity. The tree-roots is “from-to”, the rhizome is “between”; and still, one is “is” adjectival, ontological, the other one is “and”, of a conjunctive nature. The first one is evolution, the latter one is transformation, rigidity and flexibility, one is made by objects, the other one by relations. The tree is this paragraph, the rhizome is inside each one of us.

To better define the rhizome, Deleuze outlines six points: Connection and Heterogeneity the first ones, which is a composition of lines, of dimensions, directions, not of unities, and this allow the absolute interconnections inside it; the third point is Molteplicity, and this implies the absence of interdependency, the rhizome is open and infinitely travelable, with infinite entrances and exits. Fundamental is the fourth point, the Asiginifying Rupture, which pinpoints the behavior within it, a rhizome acts by variations, conquest, extension, and if a rupture occur this one becomes unpredictable experience of discovery, given by regenerative capacity of the system. The last two point go together too, Cartography and Decalcomania, the first one is positive as a sort of dynamic projection of the rhizome itself , the latter one is negative as it shelves and neutralizes the multiplicity.

As it couldn’t be in a different way, the rhizomatic thinking is born in the second half of the last century and it couldn’t be a better definition of the current one. Always opposing to the tree-system we live in a time with no roots, not continuous, cyclical and stable anymore, but in a process of demythicization of the past and in an increasing detachment from it, immerged in an hybrid and irregular present, conscious of an unpredictable, even close, future;  what the tree doesn’t have, as well as all the centuries past, because all determined by process, is the simultaneity, the absolute present, the extraordinary self-sufficiency and self-determination of the rhizome and of 21st century.

Acquired the concept of rhizome, and aware that the rhizome is nothing also than a biological fact, and, in our case, an image of thinking, what about architecture? Get the rhizome as a model and make architecture an imitation of it, so a rizomathic architecture; or extending the rhizome thinking to every circumstance surround us, so thinking rhizomatically the architecture; or internalizing the architecture in a rhizomatic system? Well, both terms, belonging to distinct categories, don’t’ distinguish themselves that much; naturally implied, talking about rhizome as an advanced approach to philosophy, I’m always referring to advanced architecture.                                                                                                                               So what do they have in common? At the first sight the chaos, illusory, intended, that dynamic system of transitive transations, by territorializing and deterritorializing without loosing identity, a fake disorder made by a multiplicity of orders, of layers, of  mille plateau, an undetermined result of trajectories and fluctuations, a fractal system sensible to variations. Both strongly heterogeneous, two non-linear system with no point of equilibrium, both in a continuous process, both a continuous process. But here it’s introducing a non-contact point; regarding what said before, the rhizome is atemporal, can we say the same about architecture? Yes and no. Because it’s undeniable that the essence of architecture, which differentiate it from other arts, is the time-space, but is also true that this one, made by objects, other distinction from rhizome, is deep-rooted in the perceivable world, and so the same objects, in the past as in the future, are just representation of architecture, and thus, architecture is the present instant, so rhizome. Referring to old problems, is the architect an atmosphere’s material, as the time for architecture, and so nothing, or the architecture is  atmosphere, which I believe is a rhizome system,  and so the architecture is a rhizome too? ? And more, Deleuze represents the image of a rhizome as body with no organs, but can the archietecture be really this, isn’it in the figure of the architect an idea of unicity, a generator organ? And maybe that n-1 is an architecture without architects as regarding B.Rudofsky?And every new assumption creates new doubts; how is it possible that a rhizome, as a root, comes from scientific determinations, but when gets close to architecture we find the latter one a rhizome just if we refer to the most humanistic disciplines within it. Given and not resolved those ambiguities, I do not believe the identification of one into another one is the right way; Deleuze wouldn’t appreciate it, rhizome refuses decalcomania.

I believe, maybe, that the rhizome, with no start and end point within it, could be itself the end and the beginning of the architecture; if the rhizome is a “between”, architecture is in between the rhizome.


Introducendoci al concetto di Rizoma, Deleuze, usa lui stesso un rizoma, non un libro qualsiasi che avrebbe insito quella struttura lineare e sequenziale, che individua e risolve un problema, ma un ipertesto, non concluso in sé, difficile a comprendersi come a definirsi, difficile a estrapolarne un senso unico perché è il lettore a doverlo cercare, ogni singolo lettore ponendo se stesso, come uno degl’ infiniti collegamenti esterni a cui esso è aperto, all’interno del testo.

L’operazione che porta Deleuze al rizoma è quanto di più filosofico v’è in filosofia; indagando l’esperienza filosofica, fondata sul pensiero, e sull’effettiva “difficoltà” di pensare, studia e approfondisce il pensiero stesso, tracciandone una mappa, costituendo una geofilosofia, il rizoma appunto.

Per capirne il senso, dunque, credo sia necessario scostarci dal sistema rizomatico di pensiero ed anche vedere cosa v’è agl’antipodi del rizoma. Opposto al rizoma, profondamente criticato dall’autore, e profondamente radicato nel pensiero occidentale da Platone fino ad oggi, v’è il sistema albero-radice, che si legittimizza nel reindirizzarsi ad un elemento unico stabilmente affondato nelle profondità del sistema categoriale. Quest’ultimo è totalmente gerarchico, che dalle proprie radici e dal loro propagarsi dicotomico sviluppa  un sistema logico-teoretico, a differenza del rizoma che è invece  una rete, che può svilupparsi in ordine sparso, non per punti noti, e con configurazioni decentrate, in cui ogni elemento può essere collegato ad un qualsiasi altro, l’albero è verticale, il rizoma orizzontale, il primo diacronico, l’altro sincronico, l’albero è successione ordinata e sostanzialmente duale, 1-2-4-8, ovvero il molteplice a partire dall’unità superiore…mentre il rizoma è molteplicità espressa in n-1 dove 1 è l’unità accentrante. L’albero-radice è “da-a”, il rizoma “tra”; ancora uno è “è” attributivo, ontologico, l’altro “e”, di natura congiuntiva. Il primo è evoluzione, il secondo trasformazione; rigidezza e flessibilità, uno è costituito da oggetti, l’altro da relazioni. L’albero è questo paragrafo, il rizoma è dentro di noi.

Per meglio definire il rizoma Deleuze delinea sei punti: Connessione ed Eterogeneità i primi, ovvero una composizione di linee, di dimensioni, direzioni, non di unità, e ciò consente l’assoluta interconnessione al suo interno; il terzo è Molteplicità, e il che sottintende  assenza d’interdipendenza, il rizoma è aperto ed infinitamente percorribile, con infinite entrate ed infinite uscite. Fondamentale è il quarto punto, quello della Rottura Asignificante, che ne delinea il comportamento al suo interno, un rizoma procede per variazione, conquista, estensione, qualora sopraggiunga una rottura questa diviene imprevedibile esperienza di scoperta data dalle capacità rigenerative del sistema. Anche gl’ultimi punti vanno accomunati, e sono Cartografia e Decalcomania, positivo il primo in quanto una sorta di proiezione dinamica del rizoma stesso, negativo l’altro quando congela questo e ne neutralizza la molteplicità.

Come non poteva essere diversamente, il pensiero rizomatico è frutto della seconda metà dello scorso secolo e mai come di questo ne può essere una chiara definizione. Sempre in opposizione al sistema albero viviamo un tempo senza radici, non più continuo, ciclico o stabile, ma in un processo di demitizzazione del passato e in crescente distacco  da esso, immersi in un presente ibrido e irregolare, cosciente di un imprevedibile, anche prossimo, futuro; ciò che l’albero non è e che tutti questi secoli non sono stati, perché determinati da processualità, è l’assoluta simultaneità, l’assoluto presente, un incredibile autosufficienza e autodeterminazione del rizoma e del 21esimo secolo.

Fatto proprio il concetto di rizoma, e consapevoli che rizoma altro non è che un fatto biologico, e, nel nostro caso, un’immagine del pensiero, che ne è dell’architettura? Prendere il rizoma a modello e farne dell’architettura un’imitazione di esso, cioè un’architettura rizomatica; o estendere il pensiero rizomatico ad ogni circostanza c’è di fronte, quindi pensare rizomaticamente l’architettura, o internare l’architettura in un sistema rizomatico? Ebbene, i due termini, appartenenti a due categorie ben distinte, non si distinguono tra loro poi tanto; presupponendo il rizoma un nuovo e avanzato approccio alla filosofia sottintendo cosi che per architettura parliamo d’architettura avanzata.                                                                                         Allora cosa hanno in comune?  A prima vista il caos, apparente, s’intende, quel sistema dinamico di relazioni transitive, di territorializzazioni e deterritorializzazioni senza perdita d’identità,  un finto disordine come un insieme di molteplici ordini, molteplici layers, o millepiani, frutto indeterminato di traiettorie e fluttuazioni, un sistema frattale sensibile alle variazioni. Ambedue fortemente eterogenei, due sistemi non-lineari e senza punti d’equilibrio, ambedue in un processo continuo, ambedue un processo continuo. Ma qui s’introduce un punto di non contatto; stando a quanto sopra il rizoma è atemporale, possiamo parlare allo stesso modo dell’architettura? Si e no; perché è innegabile che l’essenza dell’architettura, che la differenzia dalle altre altri, è nello spazio-tempo, ma è anche vero che questa, fatta di oggetti, altra distinzione dal rizoma, è radicata nel mondo sensibile, e che dunque gli stessi oggetti, nel passato e nel futuro, non sono che rappresentazioni dell’architettura, e dunque questa è l’istante presente, sicchè rizoma. Riferendoci e rialzando scorse problematiche, è l’architettura materiale dell’atmosfera, come il tempo lo è dell’architettura, e quindi nulla, o l’architettura è atmosfera, che credo sia un rizoma, e allora è rizoma anche l’architettura ?E ancora, Deleuze ci dàl’immagine del rizoma come un corpo senza organi, ma l’architettura può davvero essere questo, non v’è già nella figura dell’architetto quell’idea di unicità, quell’organo generatore? E forse quell’n-1 è un’architettura senza architetti come secondo Rudofsky E ogni supposizione incalza nuovi dubbi; com’è possibile che il rizoma, come radice, proviene da determinazioni scientifiche, ma nell’accostarsi all’architettura troviamo questa tale solo riferendoci alle discipline più umanistiche incluse in essa? Date e non risolte tali ambiguità non credo l’identificazione dell’una nell’altro sia la giusta via; Deleuze non lo approverebbe, il rizoma rifiuta decalcomanie.

Credo forse che il rizoma, senza né inizio né fine al suo interno, possa essere lui stesso inizio e fine dell’architettura; se il rizoma è un “tra”, l’architettura è “tra” il rizoma.


Giacomo Fiorani- Hormezi – 2013
Photo by Giacomo Fiorani

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